A kid who lost his father in 1996
The day he left his youngest child, who received all his love
I couldn’t believe it, I hoped it was a dream
The next day, I was bent over, the floor seemed to give in
I remember how my friends gathered around me on the apartment stairs
They said “be strong” but those words strengthlessly fell off
It was weird to even say thank you to them
It felt like only I changed, it was hard to accept the situation
It was probably the first time I prayed
If my dad ever brings me fishing again
I won’t ever show that I’m bored
Show me the car that’s parked in space 3545 again
My family doesn’t laugh much anymore
Dinner time becomes so quiet
I just hear the sound of the dishes being washed
Usually, I’d clean my dad’s shoes then he’d give me a dollar even though his shoes were a mess
There used to be five pairs of shoes in the foyer but now there’s four
Our Minho, now you’re the only man of the house
You need to protect your mom, hurry and grow up strong
The day he left his youngest child, who received all his love
I couldn’t believe it, I hoped it was a dream
The next day, I was bent over, the floor seemed to give in
I remember how my friends gathered around me on the apartment stairs
They said “be strong” but those words strengthlessly fell off
It was weird to even say thank you to them
It felt like only I changed, it was hard to accept the situation
It was probably the first time I prayed
If my dad ever brings me fishing again
I won’t ever show that I’m bored
Show me the car that’s parked in space 3545 again
My family doesn’t laugh much anymore
Dinner time becomes so quiet
I just hear the sound of the dishes being washed
Usually, I’d clean my dad’s shoes then he’d give me a dollar even though his shoes were a mess
There used to be five pairs of shoes in the foyer but now there’s four
Our Minho, now you’re the only man of the house
You need to protect your mom, hurry and grow up strong
I’m a son, my dad’s son
If it wasn’t for that day
Would my life have been different?
Would me personality be the same?
I’m a son
I’ve walked my path
I’ve walked my path, I’ve walked my path
If it wasn’t for that day
Would my life have been different?
Would me personality be the same?
I’m a son
I’ve walked my path
I’ve walked my path, I’ve walked my path
In fourth grade
I compared my lunch to the other kids in my class
Without even knowing how bad that was
I begged my mom to pack me something else
My middle sister never had new clothes but only wore hand me down from my older sister
My oldest sister always came in top three in her class
Because she has to help mom
Because she’s the first one who could make money out of us three
My sisters’ adolescence was probably harder than anyone elses
I was too young to know that
When my teacher asked all kids with widowed mothers to raise their hands
I compared my lunch to the other kids in my class
Without even knowing how bad that was
I begged my mom to pack me something else
My middle sister never had new clothes but only wore hand me down from my older sister
My oldest sister always came in top three in her class
Because she has to help mom
Because she’s the first one who could make money out of us three
My sisters’ adolescence was probably harder than anyone elses
I was too young to know that
When my teacher asked all kids with widowed mothers to raise their hands
I was too embarrassed to raise my hand
But my widowed mother’s fingers were aching
From making dough in the restaurant
When a girl harshly said “you don’t even have a dad”
I couldn’t say anything and just stood there
I’m a son, my mom’s son
If it wasn’t for that day
Would my life have been different?
Would me personality be the same?
I’m a son
I’ve walked my path
I’ve walked my path, I’ve walked my path
If it wasn’t for that day
Would my life have been different?
Would me personality be the same?
I’m a son
I’ve walked my path
I’ve walked my path, I’ve walked my path
My dad’s desk that we didn’t throw away but kept just as it
is, is filled with books
They said he couldn’t go to Seoul National University because we didn’t have money
Even late at night after he came home from work, he’d sit at his desk
I thought adults were all that way
There are some memories I don’t have
On Sundays, my dad sat me on his knee and scrubbed my body
I used to think it was a boring time
But it’s a memory that I remember the smell and even the sound
Now I got used to going to the bathhouse alone
After I turned 15, I told people I don’t have a dad first
Before kids asked me what my dad does
Because I didn’t like seeing their faces afterwards
Maybe it’s good cuz I don’t have to see my dad’s back bending
I only know the best image of my dad
If I had one wish, I’d have a drink with my dad
If he saw me right now, if he saw my lost twenties
If he saw the family photo of my sister who is now married
If he saw the sons and daughters of his sons and daughters
They said he couldn’t go to Seoul National University because we didn’t have money
Even late at night after he came home from work, he’d sit at his desk
I thought adults were all that way
There are some memories I don’t have
On Sundays, my dad sat me on his knee and scrubbed my body
I used to think it was a boring time
But it’s a memory that I remember the smell and even the sound
Now I got used to going to the bathhouse alone
After I turned 15, I told people I don’t have a dad first
Before kids asked me what my dad does
Because I didn’t like seeing their faces afterwards
Maybe it’s good cuz I don’t have to see my dad’s back bending
I only know the best image of my dad
If I had one wish, I’d have a drink with my dad
If he saw me right now, if he saw my lost twenties
If he saw the family photo of my sister who is now married
If he saw the sons and daughters of his sons and daughters
I’m a son, my dad’s son
If it wasn’t for that day
Would my life have been different?
Would me personality be the same?
I’m a son
I’ve walked my path
I’ve walked my path, I’ve walked my path
If it wasn’t for that day
Would my life have been different?
Would me personality be the same?
I’m a son
I’ve walked my path
I’ve walked my path, I’ve walked my path
1996년 아버지를 잃은 아이
사랑 독차지 한 막내 곁
떠나시던 날
믿기지 않고, 꿈 같은,
꿈이기를 바랬고
그 다음 날, 엎드린 나
푹 꺼지던 땅
기억해 아파트 계단 앞
모여준 내 친구들
힘내란 말이
내 앞에 힘 없이 떨어지고
고맙다고 하기도 이상한,
나만 달라진 듯한 상황
받아들이기 복잡한
위로의 말, 기도를 아마
그 때 처음 했어
아빠가 다시 낚시터 데리고 가면
이제는 절대 지루한 티 안낼께 3545 번호
주차장에 세워진거 다시 보여줘
우리 가족 적어진 웃음 저녁 식탁에
모여 앉은 시간에 조용해지는 집안
달그락 거리는 설겆이 소리
원래 그 쯤엔 내가
아버지 구두를 닦아드렸지
1000원을 주셨지 구두는 엉망인데도
현관앞엔 신발이 다섯에서 네켤레로
우리 민호 이제 집에 하나있는 남자네?
니가 엄마 지켜야지, 빨리 커라 강하게
난 아들 아빠의 아들
그날이 아니었다면 내 삶은
지금하고 달랐을까
성격도 지금 나 같을까
난 아들
내 길을 걸어왔네
내 길을 걸어가네 내 길을 걸어가네
국민학교 4학년
내 도시락에 반찬을 같은 반
친구하고 비교하네
얼마나 못되빠진 일인지도 전혀 모르고
다른 거 좀 싸달라면서 엄마를 조르고
새 옷 못사고 언니 옷 물려입던 작은누나
장녀인 큰 누나는 늘
전교에서 3등안을 지켰지
자기가 엄마를 도와야 되니까
셋 중 제일 먼저 돈 벌수있는게
누나들의 사춘기는 남들보다
몇배 힘들었을거야
난 그걸 알긴 너무 어렸네
편모는 손들라던 선생님의 말에
실눈 뜨고 부끄러워 손도 못든 난데
편모인 우리 엄마는 손가락이 아파
식당에 일하시면서 밀가루 반죽 하느라
아빠도 없는 주제라고 쏴붙인 여자애 말에
아무 대답도 못하고 가만있던 난데
난 아들 엄마의 아들
그날이 아니었다면 내 삶은
지금하고 달랐을까
성격도 지금 나 같을까
난 아들
내 길을 걸어왔네
내 길을 걸어가네 내 길을 걸어가네
안 버리고 그 자리 그대로 둔
아빠 책상엔 책이 가득해
돈이 없어 서울대를 못갔대
퇴근 후에도 늦은 밤에 책상앞에 계셔
난 어른이면 당연히 저러는 건가 했고
몇가지 없는 기억
일요일이면 아버진 무릎위에
날 올리시고 내 때를 밀어
그 시간이 지루했었는데
냄새와 소리까지 기억하는
몇 안되는 장면이네
혼자가는 목욕탕 익숙해지고
열다섯 이후론
아버지 없다는 얘기도 먼저 꺼냈지
애들이 아빤 뭐하냐 묻기전에
묻고나서 당황하는 표정들이 싫었기에
어쩌면 아버지의 굽어가는 허리를
안보고 살테니 그거 하난 좋다 여기고
난 최고였던 아빠의 모습만 알고 있어
소원이 있다면 아빠와 술 한잔 하고 싶어
지금 날 본다면 해메던
이십대의 나를 보셨다면
이제는 결혼한 누나의 가족사진을 본다면
아들과 딸들의 아들과 딸을 본다면
난 아들 엄마와 아빠의 아들
그날이 아니었다면 내 삶은
지금하고 달랐을까
성격도 지금 나 같을까
난 아들
내 길을 걸어왔네
내 길을 걸어가네 내 길을 걸어가네
사랑 독차지 한 막내 곁
떠나시던 날
믿기지 않고, 꿈 같은,
꿈이기를 바랬고
그 다음 날, 엎드린 나
푹 꺼지던 땅
기억해 아파트 계단 앞
모여준 내 친구들
힘내란 말이
내 앞에 힘 없이 떨어지고
고맙다고 하기도 이상한,
나만 달라진 듯한 상황
받아들이기 복잡한
위로의 말, 기도를 아마
그 때 처음 했어
아빠가 다시 낚시터 데리고 가면
이제는 절대 지루한 티 안낼께 3545 번호
주차장에 세워진거 다시 보여줘
우리 가족 적어진 웃음 저녁 식탁에
모여 앉은 시간에 조용해지는 집안
달그락 거리는 설겆이 소리
원래 그 쯤엔 내가
아버지 구두를 닦아드렸지
1000원을 주셨지 구두는 엉망인데도
현관앞엔 신발이 다섯에서 네켤레로
우리 민호 이제 집에 하나있는 남자네?
니가 엄마 지켜야지, 빨리 커라 강하게
난 아들 아빠의 아들
그날이 아니었다면 내 삶은
지금하고 달랐을까
성격도 지금 나 같을까
난 아들
내 길을 걸어왔네
내 길을 걸어가네 내 길을 걸어가네
국민학교 4학년
내 도시락에 반찬을 같은 반
친구하고 비교하네
얼마나 못되빠진 일인지도 전혀 모르고
다른 거 좀 싸달라면서 엄마를 조르고
새 옷 못사고 언니 옷 물려입던 작은누나
장녀인 큰 누나는 늘
전교에서 3등안을 지켰지
자기가 엄마를 도와야 되니까
셋 중 제일 먼저 돈 벌수있는게
누나들의 사춘기는 남들보다
몇배 힘들었을거야
난 그걸 알긴 너무 어렸네
편모는 손들라던 선생님의 말에
실눈 뜨고 부끄러워 손도 못든 난데
편모인 우리 엄마는 손가락이 아파
식당에 일하시면서 밀가루 반죽 하느라
아빠도 없는 주제라고 쏴붙인 여자애 말에
아무 대답도 못하고 가만있던 난데
난 아들 엄마의 아들
그날이 아니었다면 내 삶은
지금하고 달랐을까
성격도 지금 나 같을까
난 아들
내 길을 걸어왔네
내 길을 걸어가네 내 길을 걸어가네
안 버리고 그 자리 그대로 둔
아빠 책상엔 책이 가득해
돈이 없어 서울대를 못갔대
퇴근 후에도 늦은 밤에 책상앞에 계셔
난 어른이면 당연히 저러는 건가 했고
몇가지 없는 기억
일요일이면 아버진 무릎위에
날 올리시고 내 때를 밀어
그 시간이 지루했었는데
냄새와 소리까지 기억하는
몇 안되는 장면이네
혼자가는 목욕탕 익숙해지고
열다섯 이후론
아버지 없다는 얘기도 먼저 꺼냈지
애들이 아빤 뭐하냐 묻기전에
묻고나서 당황하는 표정들이 싫었기에
어쩌면 아버지의 굽어가는 허리를
안보고 살테니 그거 하난 좋다 여기고
난 최고였던 아빠의 모습만 알고 있어
소원이 있다면 아빠와 술 한잔 하고 싶어
지금 날 본다면 해메던
이십대의 나를 보셨다면
이제는 결혼한 누나의 가족사진을 본다면
아들과 딸들의 아들과 딸을 본다면
난 아들 엄마와 아빠의 아들
그날이 아니었다면 내 삶은
지금하고 달랐을까
성격도 지금 나 같을까
난 아들
내 길을 걸어왔네
내 길을 걸어가네 내 길을 걸어가네
abeojileul ilheun ai
salang dogchaji han magnae gyeot
tteonasideon nal
midgiji anhgo, kkum gateun,
kkumigileul balaessgo
geu daeum nal, eopdeulin na
pug kkeojideon ttang
gieoghae apateu gyedan ap
moyeojun nae chingudeul
himnaelan mali
nae ape him eobsi tteoleojigo
gomabdago hagido isanghan,
naman dallajin deushan sanghwang
badadeuligi bogjabhan
wiloui mal, gidoleul ama
geu ttae cheoeum haesseo
appaga dasi nakksiteo deligo gamyeon
ijeneun jeoldae jiluhan ti annaelkke 3545 beonho
juchajange sewojingeo dasi boyeojwo
uli gajog jeogeojin useum jeonyeog sigtage
moyeo anjeun sigane joyonghaejineun jiban
dalgeulag geolineun seolgeoji soli
wonlae geu jjeumen naega
abeoji guduleul dakkadeulyeossji
1000woneul jusyeossji guduneun eongmangindedo
hyeongwanapen sinbali daseoseseo nekyeollelo
uli minho ije jibe hanaissneun namjane?
niga eomma jikyeoyaji, ppalli keola ganghage
nan adeul appaui adeul
geunali anieossdamyeon nae salmeun
jigeumhago dallasseulkka
seonggyeogdo jigeum na gateulkka
nan adeul
nae gileul geoleowassne
nae gileul geoleogane nae gileul geoleogane
gugminhaggyo 4hagnyeon
nae dosilage banchaneul gateun ban
chinguhago bigyohane
eolmana mosdoeppajin ilinjido jeonhyeo moleugo
daleun geo jom ssadallamyeonseo eommaleul joleugo
sae os mossago eonni os mullyeoibdeon jageunnuna
jangnyeoin keun nunaneun neul
jeongyoeseo 3deunganeul jikyeossji
jagiga eommaleul dowaya doenikka
ses jung jeil meonjeo don beolsuissneunge
nunadeului sachungineun namdeulboda
myeochbae himdeuleosseulgeoya
nan geugeol algin neomu eolyeossne
pyeonmoneun sondeulladeon seonsaengnimui male
silnun tteugo bukkeuleowo sondo mosdeun nande
pyeonmoin uli eommaneun songalagi apa
sigdange ilhasimyeonseo milgalu banjug haneula
appado eobsneun jujelago sswabutin yeojaae male
amu daedabdo moshago gamanissdeon nande
nan adeul eommaui adeul
geunali anieossdamyeon nae salmeun
jigeumhago dallasseulkka
seonggyeogdo jigeum na gateulkka
nan adeul
nae gileul geoleowassne
nae gileul geoleogane nae gileul geoleogane
an beoligo geu jali geudaelo dun
appa chaegsangen chaegi gadeughae
doni eobseo seouldaeleul mosgassdae
toegeun huedo neujeun bame chaegsangape gyesyeo
nan eoleunimyeon dangyeonhi jeoleoneun geonga haessgo
myeochgaji eobsneun gieog
ilyoilimyeon abeojin muleupwie
nal ollisigo nae ttaeleul mileo
geu sigani jiluhaesseossneunde
naemsaewa solikkaji gieoghaneun
myeoch andoeneun jangmyeonine
honjaganeun mogyogtang igsughaejigo
yeoldaseos ihulon
abeoji eobsdaneun yaegido meonjeo kkeonaessji
aedeuli appan mwohanya mudgijeone
mudgonaseo danghwanghaneun pyojeongdeuli silheossgie
eojjeomyeon abeojiui gubeoganeun heolileul
anbogo salteni geugeo hanan johda yeogigo
nan choegoyeossdeon appaui moseubman algo isseo
sowoni issdamyeon appawa sul hanjan hago sipeo
jigeum nal bondamyeon haemedeon
isibdaeui naleul bosyeossdamyeon
ijeneun gyeolhonhan nunaui gajogsajineul bondamyeon
adeulgwa ttaldeului adeulgwa ttaleul bondamyeon
nan adeul eommawa appaui adeul
geunali anieossdamyeon nae salmeun
jigeumhago dallasseulkka
seonggyeogdo jigeum na gateulkka
nan adeul
nae gileul geoleowassne
nae gileul geoleogane nae gileul geoleogane
salang dogchaji han magnae gyeot
tteonasideon nal
midgiji anhgo, kkum gateun,
kkumigileul balaessgo
geu daeum nal, eopdeulin na
pug kkeojideon ttang
gieoghae apateu gyedan ap
moyeojun nae chingudeul
himnaelan mali
nae ape him eobsi tteoleojigo
gomabdago hagido isanghan,
naman dallajin deushan sanghwang
badadeuligi bogjabhan
wiloui mal, gidoleul ama
geu ttae cheoeum haesseo
appaga dasi nakksiteo deligo gamyeon
ijeneun jeoldae jiluhan ti annaelkke 3545 beonho
juchajange sewojingeo dasi boyeojwo
uli gajog jeogeojin useum jeonyeog sigtage
moyeo anjeun sigane joyonghaejineun jiban
dalgeulag geolineun seolgeoji soli
wonlae geu jjeumen naega
abeoji guduleul dakkadeulyeossji
1000woneul jusyeossji guduneun eongmangindedo
hyeongwanapen sinbali daseoseseo nekyeollelo
uli minho ije jibe hanaissneun namjane?
niga eomma jikyeoyaji, ppalli keola ganghage
nan adeul appaui adeul
geunali anieossdamyeon nae salmeun
jigeumhago dallasseulkka
seonggyeogdo jigeum na gateulkka
nan adeul
nae gileul geoleowassne
nae gileul geoleogane nae gileul geoleogane
gugminhaggyo 4hagnyeon
nae dosilage banchaneul gateun ban
chinguhago bigyohane
eolmana mosdoeppajin ilinjido jeonhyeo moleugo
daleun geo jom ssadallamyeonseo eommaleul joleugo
sae os mossago eonni os mullyeoibdeon jageunnuna
jangnyeoin keun nunaneun neul
jeongyoeseo 3deunganeul jikyeossji
jagiga eommaleul dowaya doenikka
ses jung jeil meonjeo don beolsuissneunge
nunadeului sachungineun namdeulboda
myeochbae himdeuleosseulgeoya
nan geugeol algin neomu eolyeossne
pyeonmoneun sondeulladeon seonsaengnimui male
silnun tteugo bukkeuleowo sondo mosdeun nande
pyeonmoin uli eommaneun songalagi apa
sigdange ilhasimyeonseo milgalu banjug haneula
appado eobsneun jujelago sswabutin yeojaae male
amu daedabdo moshago gamanissdeon nande
nan adeul eommaui adeul
geunali anieossdamyeon nae salmeun
jigeumhago dallasseulkka
seonggyeogdo jigeum na gateulkka
nan adeul
nae gileul geoleowassne
nae gileul geoleogane nae gileul geoleogane
an beoligo geu jali geudaelo dun
appa chaegsangen chaegi gadeughae
doni eobseo seouldaeleul mosgassdae
toegeun huedo neujeun bame chaegsangape gyesyeo
nan eoleunimyeon dangyeonhi jeoleoneun geonga haessgo
myeochgaji eobsneun gieog
ilyoilimyeon abeojin muleupwie
nal ollisigo nae ttaeleul mileo
geu sigani jiluhaesseossneunde
naemsaewa solikkaji gieoghaneun
myeoch andoeneun jangmyeonine
honjaganeun mogyogtang igsughaejigo
yeoldaseos ihulon
abeoji eobsdaneun yaegido meonjeo kkeonaessji
aedeuli appan mwohanya mudgijeone
mudgonaseo danghwanghaneun pyojeongdeuli silheossgie
eojjeomyeon abeojiui gubeoganeun heolileul
anbogo salteni geugeo hanan johda yeogigo
nan choegoyeossdeon appaui moseubman algo isseo
sowoni issdamyeon appawa sul hanjan hago sipeo
jigeum nal bondamyeon haemedeon
isibdaeui naleul bosyeossdamyeon
ijeneun gyeolhonhan nunaui gajogsajineul bondamyeon
adeulgwa ttaldeului adeulgwa ttaleul bondamyeon
nan adeul eommawa appaui adeul
geunali anieossdamyeon nae salmeun
jigeumhago dallasseulkka
seonggyeogdo jigeum na gateulkka
nan adeul
nae gileul geoleowassne
nae gileul geoleogane nae gileul geoleogane
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